
Maybe Mr. Armstrong can push for some airplane reform

Apparently South West Airlines does not charge to check a bike (note if you are taller than 4 feet your standard bike will still cost money). At first I thought this is awesome (my initial excitement was dashed on a very small box with my bikes very large frame).

As I follow the story
today Lance sent the following to the 2.4 million followers who read his "tweets/twits"
RT @LIVESTRONGCEO: Hey @southwestair - idea: SWA should be the first airline to take bikes for free! Bags are free. How about bikes?

1 comment:

  1. I think the obvious solution to this problem is "ride everywhere." Otherwise, check out QBP part #FM3256A or http://www.ritcheylogic.com/dyn_category.php?k=97991
